Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Lung cancer, lung nodule, lung biopsy, TB, COPD, lung abcess, lung disease, lobectomy, segmentectomy, robotic, VATS
Rib fracture, rib tumors, chest wall reconstruction, rib stabilization, chest wall tumors, pectus excavatem, pectus caravatem,
Hyperhidrosis, sweaty palm syndrome, pleural effusions, tumors of the pleura, mesothelioal tumors, pleural tumors, plural disease, trapped lung
Tracheal stenosis, narrow airway, tracheal tumors, tracheal malacia, tracheal dilation, tracheal stents, tracheostomy, tracheal resection, ablation, tumor resection, tumor ablation
Mediastinal lymph nodes, lymph adenopathy, mediastinitis, mediastinal tumors, thymoma, germ cell tumors, neurofibromas, mediastinal cysts, bronchial cysts, esophageal cysts, mediastinoscopy, mediastinol mass resection, robotic VATS
GERD, achalasia, motility disorders, difficulty swallowing, globus, clearing of the throat, LPR, Barrett's esophagus, esophageal cysts, esophageal diverticulum, Zenker's diverticulum, EGD, scope, upper GI, GI lab, motility, pH study, endoscopy, RFA, ablation
Esophageal cancer, Barrett's esophagus, neoplasia, DCIS, adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma.
Stomach cancer, stomach tumors, gastric tumors, GIST, chronic nausea, bloating, delayed gastric emptying, gastroparesis, gastrectomy, gastric tumor resection, gastric stimulator, EGDx
Patient advocacy, medical chart review, medical guidance, physician liaison, contract review services
Global health, public health, international surgical education, international health care consulting.